Join Today
Take advantage of the Member Rate by Joining Today. By checking the box below, you will be able to take advantage of IAPA member pricing for the conference as well as a discounted membership rate. You will receive a link to the membership registration form in your email. The membership registration form must be completed in order to keep your IAPA member pricing for the conference.
Breakout Sessions
Breakouts sessions are listed below. For descriptions of the specific Breakouts, please refer to the ITINERARY
section of the brochure. Please indicate your 1st choice for each time period.
Every attempt will be made to give each participant their first choice. However, decisions will be made on a first
come basis, so register early. If you are registering for a single day, you will have admittance to the Breakouts
listed for that day only.
Intensive – Redwood/Sierra (Pam Goff and Deb Greiner)