Member Login Support

For Member Log in support please contact:

Monday – Sunday 7am to 7 pm Central Time(Quickest response or answer ASAP) When possible answer will be immediate or ASAP. Texts received after hours will be answered the following day )   815 973-2996  state Member name ,  contact info and a description of the Problem

MondayFriday  9:00 amto 7 PM Central Time Calls will be answered immediately whenever possible,. Calls received after hours will be placed on call back for the following Business Day Please leave a message counting Member name,  contact information and a description of the problem. phone 815 973-2996

24×7  (slowest response time, allow 2 business days)  Every effort will be made to contact you within 1 business day, however responses will not be made on Holidays or weekends. Email: . Make the Subject line  read“Jackie Shaffer Support,” failing to state subject as stated may prolong wait time. Please  state member name, a description of the problem and contact information with a contact phone number)

 If you fail to receive a response via any one of these options please send an email to IAPA President Deb Greiner